Because my knitted bracelets have been popular sellers at my fundraisers, I wanted to try my hand at making a knitted necklace. To get started, I purchased jewelry closures, turquoise colored beads, freshwater pearls, and flexible wire. I love the contrast of the colors, textures, and shapes of these beads.

Materials for the necklace

Next, I sketched out a full-scale diagram of the necklace I had in mind. Yes, it is a mess, but it helped me visualize the design and create the prototype.

My original diagram

I then threaded the beads onto the wire, following the order in my diagram, and knitted the necklace. Here is the finished piece:

Desert Meets Sea Necklace

It was both fun and quick to make, and I am enjoying wearing it. I may make another one to donate it to a silent auction, but I need to first get feedback from some friends. I need to know if they would be tempted to bid on it. Quite frankly, it would be embarrassing to donate something that didn’t garner any bids.

Interested in making one for yourself? Don’t worry…you don’t need to decipher the messy diagram. I turned my scribbles into a real pattern, which I have dubbed the “Desert Meets Sea Necklace.” You can download it here. Enjoy!